God's Secret Recipe

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for our work will be rewarded 2 Chronicles 15: 7

Monday, November 24, 2008

How time flies....

Hello all, wazz up?
I've been busy this days because as you all know I have sat for my exams ..thank god, it's over now. I am also NOW quite busy with my upcoming presentation this early December, I am very thankful though that I have such a great team.

Remember Christmas is coming and all of us need money to buy gifts for our loved ones. I have also started my Christmas list that I will buy if it is possible next week as tomorrow is PAY DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, can't wait to shop again!
Hmmm, the kids are excited too, which remind me that we still need to put some decors on my office to have a Christmas spirit here. I will only be using old decors for new ones are expensive to buy.

Went for window shopping last weekend and what i enjoyed most was we don't have to depend on the radio as we have two xmas carol at the backseat singing their lungs out! That's the spirit kids!!

After all that hard work (of singing..most of the time..off key) they end up so quite..when i turn my head, I saw them fast... asleep


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