God's Secret Recipe

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for our work will be rewarded 2 Chronicles 15: 7

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Toothache Remedy..

I had a molar that the filling has fallen out of.
I HATE going to the dentist!
Beleive if or not, I had been in pain for years..yup, you read it right..YEARS..to be exact 7 YEARS!!! (So, Pat, if you read this..let me correct the figure ok) and the only thing I have used is oragel (benzocaine)it numbs it for awhile but when it wares off its worse.
I have been very good in making excuses to myself or even my dentist (TOT I WAS SMART).. I hate going to the DENTIST!! I REALLY DO. Hence, I was really suffering all these years!

I had no choice last weekend but to go to that damned dentist..Yeah, thanks to my hubby and bro-in-laws and my sis-in-laws for supporting me in making my steps to the clinic..
I tried my best to convinced my siblings and love ones that I was fine..but how can i..when the size of my left cheeks was at its abnormal size!!!

On Holy Sunday afternoon, I made my brave steps to the staircase of Shin, Wey Dental at MJC, accompanied by my hubby (tucked his arm on mine..juz in case i might ran away..), followed by Indai Win and Apai Win (nonstop muttering nice things...such as 'you'll be fine', 'we are here', don't be nervous...) DONT BE NERVOUS? Every step that I made, I could feel I wee-weed in my pants..(thanks to stayfree...pantyliner...purposely worn them double!!)

When we finally reached the reception counter, my mind was blurred. I lost my visions. I was sat on the so called 'comfy sofa' but to me it felt like an electric-chair..It was Sunday and the clinic wAS EMPTY..no way for me to get myself comfortable...raya songs was on the air..(as if teasing me..) Indai Win rubbed my hands..and saw my hubby's smile!! I knOW that smILE..
A few minutes later I was brought to the 'dungeon' and was greeted by my doctor (with her mask on!! and a syringe on her left hand...)

I couldn't hear my heart no more...i felt dizzy...and the last thing I knew I was looking up the ceiling...Dr. Wee explained to me the procedure "Ok, sue..first I am going to rub this....then, I will inj@#$%%%............45 mins later I came out the dungeon A LIVE!!!
It was 70% successful ..what happen to the other 30%? Well, I need to extract the other root in 2 days to come....
Jesus, it was painFUL!!!!!!!! It was a day of horrific toothache.
This pain was proper bang your head against a wall to distract your brain from the actual pain kinda toooth ache. I can't properly describe how all encompassing this pain was.

Wish I could get hold of Chill and her Vodka would take off my mind off it --nope, sorer than anything..